
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Engagement Season!

Last week I told you that I would post some more stats about the bridal industry and what we can kind of expect to happen...sort of. Anyways, here is another little fun fact for everyone. Did you know that December is the most popular month to get engaged! According to "The Wedding Report Inc," 18% of couples get engaged in December following with February with the second highest of 12%. If you are a girl out there secretly reading this blog while on the clock and you are waiting for the sparkly gift.... THERE'S HOPE! Don't do what I did where you thought every little moment was going to be it. It even got to the point where I was grocery shopping in heels because I thought it could be the moment, he never grocery shopped with me! I hate to say it but the next couple of months for all you ladies waiting could be long. HANG IN THERE!