
Monday, July 15, 2013

Mangia Monday: Creative Food Presentation

Presentation is everything, right? When it comes to serving your food, especially for special occasions, presentation really does matter! Take pride in how you display your food and make your guests' mouths water just by looking at your food.  We found some inspiring ideas, making art from the fruits and veggies on your table.  Although it may seem challenging, with some practice, these ideas are sure to wow any guest! To create a simple lemon cup for serving sorbet similar to the one below, try out this recipe via The Cilantropist. If you'd rather use your food art as a centerpiece or display, we found a simple but beautiful tutorial via She Simmers.  And for the ambitious, or if you'd just like to admire a true food-art masterpiece, check this out.
Left, Mindy Sonshine Photography; Right, Garrett Photography
Garrett Photography