
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Vendor Spotlight: Eurobar Coffee, Beverage, & Wine Events

Vendor Eurobar Coffee, Beverage & Wine Events
Phone 619-295-2511
Website  (recently updated)
Social Media Twitter Facebook Blog  Instagram: @MissEurobar

Company Background
Eurobar began in 1996 to bring high-quality, European/Italian-style espresso and cappuccino bars as a mobile catered option for parties and events.  Both owners, Melissa Darisay and Brock Thorpe, had family-owned coffee houses and also traveled around opening various coffee and juice bars establishments as paid consultants.  Melissa is a Certified Event Manager and Brock is a Certified Master Service Technician.

Eurobar described in three words:
Elegant, Organic, Delicious

What type of cuisine does Eurobar cater?
Full variety of organic Italian roasted espresso café drinks, Gourmet organic brewed coffee service, Hand-crafted Hot Chocolate bar, Italian Gelato service, Specialty Tea (hot or iced) and Exotic Tea Service (Persian-style), Frappuccino and Smoothie bars, Fresh Squeezed Juice bars (citrus and vegetable), Flavored Water and Italian Sodas, Themed or Unusual Coffee bars (Arabic coffees, Turkish, Cuban, etc.), Donut and Pastry service and new for 2103, the Eurobar Wine Tasting Experience.

What got you interested in the catering industry and what is the most rewarding part of your job?
We love coffee so much that we wanted to bring it to the general public as an elegant beverage option for catered events.
The most rewarding part of this job is the people we meet.

What’s special about catering for weddings? What is your favorite part about catering for weddings?
You just know that this is the “moment” and the Bride and Groom’s special day.  Love the fact that the espresso bar becomes a social center for guests.

How would you describe the Eurobar experience?
We’ve done weddings where the Bride and Groom met at a coffee bar and the entire wedding is based around our services, the authentic experience we bring and the high-quality selection of gourmet espresso café drinks.  There is no one else in San Diego that has the knowledge and experience in the coffee and event industry business that Eurobar has.

Name one thing that sets Eurobar apart from its competitors: