
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ask Abby: Wedding Festivities

Getting engaged is such an exciting time!! You know that you get to spend the rest of your life with the one you love. Once you start planning, you'll realize just how much goes into planning a wedding. But don't get stressed out! We've laid out the common parties that are held in association with a wedding and you can have all of them or just one or two of them to celebrate your love!

Engagement Party: The very first possibility of many celebrations to choose from is the engagement party. This is your chance to tell all of your close friends and family about the upcoming nuptials! This is a night to have fun so hors d’oeuvres and cocktails are on the menu. This can be hosted at your house or at a venue, it’s one of your first of many choices when it comes to wedding planning so have fun with it!

Bridal Shower: Another way to celebrate your big day before the actual event is to host a bridal shower. Most likely the maid of honor or the matron of honor will organize this event. This shower is a time when you would receive some of the things you registered for like new bedding and the plates and glasses from Macy’s you loved. Typically, this shower includes snacks or lunch, games with prizes, and a congratulatory cake. This event can be girls only or guys and girls if you choose.

Bachelorette Party: Of course, there are the infamous bachelor and bachelorette parties. However, it doesn’t have to be like in the movies if you don’t want it to be. It could be as simple as going for a nice spa weekend getaway or going wine tasting in Temecula. But if you want to get rowdy, then go for it! It's your time to party it up with your girls however you choose to!

Bridal Luncheon: Most women know that when you are asked to be in someone's bridal party, it's an honor, but it's not a cheap one. Hosting a bridal luncheon for your Bridesmaids is a nice way to say thank you for helping me celebrate! It won’t break the bank at about $20 per plate. This event is ladies only and is typically held sometime in the last couple of weeks before the wedding. When booking it, make sure to allow a couple of hours. This quality time with your girls should not be rushed by any means.

Rehearsal Dinner: The night before the big day is just as important as the actual event. The rehearsal can prove to be useful for calming nerves. Your rehearsal dinner is a time for your guests to get to know one another and to become more comfortable in their new surroundings. That way, on the big day, you do not have to worry about people being by themselves because they will have made new friends the night before. Traditionally the groom’s family will host this event and it can be as casual or fancy as you want it to be.

The Wedding is the culmination of all of these events so make sure throughout the day to take a step back and enjoy your loved one and the beginning of your new life together!