
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Ask Abby: A How To Write Your Own Vows

We've been going back and forth on writing our own vows. Any tips or tricks you suggest?

Photo from Studio Del Mar

Choosing to write your own vows can be an exciting choice! Even if you're not good with your words, with time and effort, your vows can be beautiful! Below are some tips to help you write your vows.

1) Allow enough time!! Do not wait until the night before to write your vows! Make sure to allow plenty of time to get out all of your thoughts and feelings onto paper and then time to fine tune them.

2) Do some research. Take time to look up ideas for vows and think about things you want to include so you can piece your vows together.

3) Let it soak in. Take some time to reflect on what all you've written and make sure you've conveyed all that you want to. You only get one chance to say these to your fiance in front of your family and friends but you have time to edit them and make sure they are perfect.

4) Practice makes perfect! You don't have to have memorize your vows but definitely practice them so you can sound like you have it together on your wedding day!

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