
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Inspiration Thursday: Custom Cocktails!

Today's average wedding guest varies so widely with their drink preference it's almost impossible to quench every taste. That's where Yes Cocktail Co. comes into the picture!

They provide pre-made drink mixes that are absolutely delicious and all you need to do is add the booze! They make perfect wedding-day bar options as well as favors for your guests to bring home! Both cocktails and moctails are made perfect with this amazing concept!

The best part about Yes Cocktail Co. is they are owned and operated by the most adorable couple ever!  Co-founders Lauren and Brandon are passionate about a few things: the arts, delicious food, and incredible cocktails. They spent the last few years touring the United States and abroad (43 states and 4 countries to be exact) as actor/directors, bringing theatre to youth, strengthening the communities they visited, and of course, sampling the local food and drink. Inspired by their travels, they happened upon the idea of creating custom cocktails at home, but were disappointed to discover that many of the home bar use products they purchased were filled with corn syrup, artificial flavors, and preservatives. Out of Lauren and Brandon’s cocktail woes, YES COCKTAIL CO. was born- bringing cocktail mixers made ONLY with fresh produce-from their imagination to your glass. Every bottle is handcrafted without preservatives, corn syrup, or artificial flavorings, guaranteed to delight cocktail lovers near and far. Lauren and Brandon truly believe that the best way to achieve success and happiness is to say YES to big dreams, new opportunities, and unlikely adventures- the rest will follow!